1. The air in a confined space and health. The air is one of the main factors for all living beings in nature.
As it can be found in the statistics every person breathe about 20 000
times or 13 to 15 kg air daily. This is 10 times the weight of food and
three times the weight of water to be taken per day. The quality of the
air inspired depends of the life standard and individual health. In the
modern world, more than 90% of the time spent by a person is in indoors.
At home, at work or in public buildings the air is 5-10 times worse
than the air outdoors. Bacteria, pollen, dust, mites, nicotine, ammonia,
formaldehyde, poisonous and harmful gases released from construction
and decorative materials have a negative impact on self-confidence,
employability and health. Symptoms of premature aging, insomnia and
amnesia are very common as well as cases of asthma, cardiovascular and
pulmonary diseases. World Health Organization assumes that air pollution
indoors is a major pest of human health in modern lifestyle. This is
the main reason for the European Union to accept new directives for
reducing harmful gases emitted in the atmosphere and improve air quality
in the workplace.